For more and more young people, college is being
thought of as more of an option, rather than a necessity, and for good
reason. The university system looks more like a shell game than a place
to be educated. Hell, the symbol for America’s university system,
Harvard, is a hedge fund with a university tacked on as a side business. Fifty three percent of recent college grads are jobless or underemployed and forty five percent are still living with their parents. There are 115,000 graduates who are janitors. Student debt is at $1.1 trillion
(more than credit card debt) and 10% of all borrowers are defaulting on
their loans. Young entrepreneurs with the skills and hustle now have
the ability to explore other paths, like starting a business or joining a
My degrees have nothing to do with my current job as a marketer and most of the people I work with are drop outs.