Recently, they staged a talent show
in front of the Rhode Island Department of Education. The point:
Students have many talents, and test-taking is only one of them,
probably not the most important. These young people will save American
education from the dead, cold hands of the robots who now are in charge
of the nation's schools. They have heart, they have creativity, they
have wit, they are innovative, they are alive with spirit. They have the
qualities that made America great.
They know this great secret: We are not Singapore; we are not Korea; we are not China. We are America. We should cultivate the wit and wisdom of Ben Franklin, the ingenuity of Thomas Alva Edison, the spirit of the Wright brothers. Were they good test-takers? Who knows? Who cares? I bet the guys at Enron and Madoff had great test scores.
They know this great secret: We are not Singapore; we are not Korea; we are not China. We are America. We should cultivate the wit and wisdom of Ben Franklin, the ingenuity of Thomas Alva Edison, the spirit of the Wright brothers. Were they good test-takers? Who knows? Who cares? I bet the guys at Enron and Madoff had great test scores.