People & Numbers


Data Driven Instruction and Inquiry
DDI Arrow Chart
Data Driven Instruction and Inquiry (DDI) is a precise and systematic approach to improving student learning throughout the year. The inquiry cycle of data-driven instruction includes assessment, analysis, and action and is a key framework for school-wide support of all student success.
From district superintendent, to superintendent, to principal, to teacher, educators should be continuously asking:
  • Where are we in terms of our goals?
  • Where are our students in terms of their college and career readiness?
  • How do we get there from here?
Student performance tasks show us what our students know and are able to do, and where the gaps are in their learning, but how do we make sure that we’re using the data from those performance tasks to close those gaps? Educators in the most rapidly achieving schools cite data-driven instruction and inquiry as one of the most important factors in helping all students achieve success.