A Solution


Mathematics Standards

The solutions for districts have been discussed and reported on before, but they are worth repeating here:
  • Identify high-quality teachers by improving data about teaching effectiveness.
  • Use data on the effectiveness of teachers to determine the distribution of these teachers across schools and classrooms.
  • Retain effective teachers by reforming career and compensation systems.
  • Increase the reach of highly effective teachers by creating roles for master and mentor teachers to support and coach their colleagues.
  • Encourage effective teachers to move to disadvantaged schools through incentives such as differentiated compensation.
  • Improve the effectiveness of all teachers through proven professional development.
  • Improve recruitment of new teachers, with the goal of hiring an effective teacher workforce.
This list may seem daunting, but even working toward one or two of the policies listed above could improve the quality of teaching in schools and greatly increase the chance that disadvantaged students get a level of superb instruction that could change the course of their lives.
