John Dewey


John Dewey Is a Fraud

Dewey was not primarily concerned with teaching new information.  He was concerned with inculcating new attitudes.

John Dewey was a social engineer -- one might even say a community organizer.  He believed that socialism is the future.  His self-appointed mission was to implement the transition to this brave new world.

All of his grand theories, his scores of books, and his hundreds of articles can be summed up as a program for making America socialist.

There is one little problem at this point: almost nobody in America was asking for this transformation.  So Dewey was in the awkward position of redecorating your house when you didn't ask for it to be redecorated, or more precisely seducing your kids when you don't want your kids to be seduced.

Dewey basically had to ignore law, precedent, tradition, legislatures, voters, elections, expectations of families, and the needs of society.  He attempted an end-run, and thus a conspiracy.  His project is best called Socialism-on-the-Sly.