School is the New Family


Obama’s “Community Schools” Aim to Replace Parents

Lawmakers and the Obama administration are plotting to unconstitutionally commandeer local schools and turn them into “full-service community schools” — government centers that will usurp vast new responsibilities over children that have traditionally been handled by parents and families. Under the plan, adopted in the Senate last month as part of a massive “education bill” solidifying federal control over children and schools, federally funded so-called community schools will “target” families and children for “services” covering their “academic, physical, social, emotional, health, mental health, and other needs.” If Congress and the Obama administration get their way, these full-service parent-replacement centers will soon be coming to a community near you, along with the swarms of government workers in charge of “home visitation” and “parenting education” under the program. In fact, even without legislation to authorize it, Obama’s education bureaucracy has already started using tax funds to create the “community schools” nationwide.    

So what, exactly, is a community school? According to the legislation, it is a government-run elementary or secondary school that “participates in a community-based effort to coordinate and integrate educational, developmental, family, health, and other comprehensive services through community-based organizations and public and private partnerships.” These Orwellian schools will also provide “services” to students, families, and the community, including before and after school, during weekends, and even during the summer. A 2014 Federal Register “notice” by the federal Department of Education announcing lawless grants for community schools defines them in a similar way. In other words, children ensnared by “community” schools can spend virtually all of their time there and receive all of their “services” there — one step short of Obama Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s recent pitch for government boarding schools that he said should have children 24 hours per day, seven days a week.