

The websites show different sets of opposite ideas about education in two different formats: Text and Video. Then, the viewer have the opportunity to choose between them. The website allows the exploration of ideas, fallacies and biases.  More information can be found by following the links along the right side of the page, or by consulting resources along the top of the page about the nature of biases, fallacies and opinions in general.

The purpose is to discover how we do that, how we react to opposite arguments. We may find the answer easy and fast, or slow and complex. Maybe we need to add a point of view to the arguments and explain our selection, or maybe we just read the arguments, see the choices and decide not to participate. It's also helps to understand how we manage opinions or decisions that are contrary to our believes and change disagreement into adversary collaboration (see video), if possible.

Laureate Nobel Prize Daniel Kahneman in his book Thinking Fast and Slow, show us many of the methods we use to make such decisions. Part of the theoretical frame described on his book is used to support the blog design and goals.

Please enjoy!!